Choose the Best Option When Purchasing a Septic System
By Bill Pair
It is mandatory to have a maintenance contract on aerobic treatment systems (ATU's). These contracts cost money and there is a real cost to maintain these systems. A maintenance provider or certified homeowner can maintain these systems. On rare occasions where there is fractured rock over an aquifer or the property is too small for anything else, a homeowner would be required to install one of these systems.
If ground water or clay soils are present at or near the native soil surface, other treatment and disposal options are available besides ATU's, such as standard treatment and mound disposal or standard treatment and low-pressure dosed disposal. The site evaluator and installer should communicate all options available to the homeowner. The homeowner should always ask if all available options have been explained.
Standard absorption field disposal system, mound disposal system and low pressure dosed system are all viable systems that do not require an annual maintenance contract. These standard system will cost the home owner much less in the life of the system over the ATU's.
About the Author
| Bill Pair, Pair Plumbing and Septic P.O.Box 1255 Cameron, TX 76520 254-697-4227
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