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What size septic tank would you recommend for a typical 4 bedroom house? (1500-2000 sq. ft.)

500 gallons
1,000 gallons
1,250 gallons
1,500 gallons
Not sure
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Question: What size septic tank would you recommend for a typical 4 bedroom house? (1500-2000 sq. ft.)
Top Answer (29% of 17 votes): 1,000 gallons.

Answer: 1,500 gallons
Explanation: The size of your tank is dependant on a couple of things. 1) Your County regulations... 2) number of bedrooms (NOT bathrooms) so a normal 3 bdrm house we would install a 1500 gallon septic tank. (for a standard gravity fed system. Please note: if you require a treated system or an engineered system in most cases you will have 2 septic tanks. 1-septic and 1-dosing. A 4 bedroom would be recommended to have a 1750 gallon tank. Again, it all depends on your Counties regulations MOST IMPORTANTLY
DeLaTorre Septic
Answer: 1,000 gallons
Explanation: The septic tank will need to be at least 1,000 gallons. However, sizing of the septic tank is determined by the perk test and permits.
Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Greater Fort Smith
Answer: 1,500 gallons
Explanation: The Plumbing Code Book is the Guide.
Peace of Mind Plumbing LLC
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