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What is a septic tank?

A septic tank is a part of a septic system, which is a smaller version of a sewage treatment system. The purpose of the tank is to collect sewage and waste from the building it is attached to.
Updated: 08/25/2016
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A septic tank is a sewage treatment system used in parts of the country that are unable to connect to primary sewage lines, usually due to being in remote locations. They are classified as a type of onsite sewage system. Solid waste is captured in the septic tank and the liquids are drained through a series of pipes into a septic field where it is released.

Answer: A septic tank is made of a couple different types of materials. We use cement tanks as well as poly tanks. It is a holding tank that allows for the solids to be trapped in the first compartment and allows the liquid to pass into the pipe that goes into the leach field area
DeLaTorre Septic
Answer: A tank that separates the solids from liquids
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