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How often do I need to pump my septic tank?

Every year
Every 2-4 years
Every 4-6 years
Every 6-8 years
Every 8-10 years
As-needed basis
Not sure
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Question: How often do I need to pump my septic tank?
Top Answer (38% of 114 votes): As-needed basis.

Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: Most times one to two yrs
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: Depend on size, usage and regulations within municipalities
S&B Property Inspections LLC
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: This is an area for a specialist.
Pinkerton Inspection Agency LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: I do not inspect tanks
Harris Business Professionals
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: Septic tanks should be checked for buildup every 1 to 3 years until you can get on a predictable pumping schedule. Most septic tanks need pumping every 3 to 5 years. How often depends on the size of the tank, the number of people in the household, and the amount and type of solids entering the tank.
Scheidt Home Inspection
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: depends on many factors. The age of the system, usage and condition of the drain field. Frequent evaluation (every 6 mos.) is recommended for proper operation.
Michael Moffitt, Moffitt Property Inspections & Consulting
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: Depending on how many people live in the house. More people, more frequently. Less people, less frequently.
Timberline Homes LLC
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: Septic tank pumping frequency depends on use and tank size.
Shedhorn Inspection Services, LLC
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: A septic tank should be pumped out every 3-5 years to check for possible problems and preventative maintenance.
L&S Septic LLC
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: Depending on use,as needed
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: This depends on tank size, family size, and whether a garbage disposal is being used. Best thing to do is to evaluate your situation and either contact a professional or look it up online.
Keller Williams Atlantic Shore
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: This would depend on many issues. The proper sizing of the tank, the usage and the condition of leach field.
Reality Property Inspections
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: The pumping question depends on your local codes. In our area, a brand new tank is good for 5 years before it needs to be pumped. A non-new tank must be pumped every 3 years. This is pretty typical. Tank monitoring will vary depending on your system.
Superior Inspection Services
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: usually every 3 yrs. Before purchasing a home with a septic tank, it is always good to have it inspected and the level known.
Hudson Real Estate
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: Typically, a 1,500-gallon tank that is used by a family of four needs to be pumped after four years. If you use a garbage disposal and the tank size is smaller then more frequently. If used by fewer people then less frequently.
Moran Property Inspections
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: Septic systems are not normally with in the scope of Home Inspections.
Kairos Home Inspections
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Ask your professional septic tank specialist
Royalty Home Solutions, Inc
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: This depends completely on size of tank and usage 2 people or 20 people will change a tanks expectancy. Consult a septic expert for precise information.
KF Home Sales @ Quality First Real Estate Group
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: Consult with septic contractor.
Millyard Home Inspection
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: it depends on the size of the house, number of occupants, etc. and I would recommend speaking to a septic system installer or the local government.
Contractors Corp.
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: The frequency with which you need to pump a septic tank depends on the septic tank size as well as the family size using it. There are a few other attributing factors as well such as do you have a garbage disposal ot the kitchen sink. Typically, a 1,500 gallon tank serving a family of four needs to be pumped every four years. Further, most every septic system in the greater houston area needs to have a service contract with a septic company on file with the county in which your home lies. Failure to maintain this information with the county could result in fines.
Morrow Inspection Services, PLLC
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: Every two to four years is recommended. Depending on your system more frequent may be recommended by your septic company.
Best Choice Inspections
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: This depends on several factors . Size of tank and how many people are living in home
At Ease Home Inspection
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: This will all depend on the size of the tank, and number of people supplying the tanks. After a couple of draining you can establish a pretty good timeline for when to have the septic tank serviced.
Look First Homes, LLC
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: depends on what you throw down your sink, how many people use the toilet and if you regularly use a septic tank booster like ridx every season
Your Husband & Wife Real Estate Team with Charles Rutenberg Realty
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: The septic system should be pumped according to the recommended frequency that you have discussed with your septic expert. If you have two people living in your home, the septic system should be pumped out every 3 years, If you have a maximum of 5 people, the septic tank should be pumped every 2 years.
Master Building Inspectors
Answer: Every year
Explanation: Most septic tank companies recommend that you pump every year.
Myra Strickland Real Estate at KW
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: This will vary by the amount of people that the system is serving.
RE/MAX Results
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Not much of an issue here in our area.
Rodeo Realty
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: Depends on the size of the tank & the amount of occupancy using they system.
Home Inspection Solutions
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: If you maintain your septic tank and keep the bacteria bed alive and active, as well as regulate what actually goes into the septic tank, you may never need to pump it out. Most homes do not maintain them properly and they need to be pumped out on an "as needed" basis.
Rightway Residential Home Inspections
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: It's always good to be proactive on this integral function of your home. The frequency would depend on the usaqe. A septic professional could give great insight to you for your specific circumstance.
Reece Nichols-Mary Wilcox
Answer: Every year
Explanation: A properly maintained system should be emptied once a year
A Better Choice Home Inspection, Co
Answer: Every 4-6 years
Explanation: A family of four.
Bayshore Construction
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: The actual gap between pumping depends on the size of the septic tank, the number of people living in the home, and whether you use a garbage disposal or not.
A Balance Home Inspection
Answer: Every 4-6 years
Explanation: Should be evaluated and pumped every 3 to 5 years.
Eagles Eye Home Inspection,LLC
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: Depends on how many people live in the home.
Coldwell Banker Reliable Real Estate
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: Pumping is based on usage, capacity, and local regulations. Therefore, there is no EXACT answer.
Keller Williams Realty
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: Septic tanks are not included in a home inspection. This is usually performed by a licensed septic professional. The frequency of pumping the tank varies with the system size, type, and the amount of people living in a home.
Corley Home Inspections, LLC
Answer: Every year
Explanation: it should be once a year but it also depends on how many people live in the home,This keeps the life of the septic system longer.
EA Realty LLC
Answer: As-needed basis
Explanation: There is no tried and true formula for septic pumping due to the size of the tank,fields,and composition of daily input.
Certipro Home Inspections
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: Average.
ATM Home Inspection
Answer: Every 2-4 years
Explanation: deoending in the tank size, every other year is great, some tank sizes require more.
JKM Home Inspections
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